The second service provided by the S3 Community of Practice to the Thematic Partnership on Traceability & Big Data, the ReScoping one, has finished recently the first series of meetings together with the Working Groups.
The objectives of these meetings have been to present the Service to the different leaders, to further explain the status of each Working Group and to analyse the needs to be provided by the Service.
Each Working Group requested a specific tailored service regarding their momentum. Thus, the horizontal Road Map Working Group receives support on the mapping of resources and needs that are currently preparing as a result of the surveys received by the partners after the summer. The Circular Bioeconomy has requested support to deeply analyse concrete opportunities for the Working Group, also as a result of the surveys completed by participants. Finally, Interoperability is exploring specific activities to determine key elements to be covered within this Working Group.
Intermediary meetings are expected during mid-December and January, to update the advancements and redefine the scope of work if necessary.
The scope of the initial activities has not yet been outlined to a sufficiently granular level to develop concrete collaboration opportunities. For example, information on application areas, the role of partners, and the specificity of the value chain segment or targeted demonstrator are yet to be defined.
The partnership has carried out several activities, however a changing landscape has led to the need to update the priorities of the collaboration (e.g., changing S3 priorities, changes in regional participation, new lead region). This can be relevant in cases related to the reanimation of the partnership, the merging of partnerships or catching up with and acting proactively on changes in the thematic R&I landscape.