The S3P Agrifood Thematic Partnership on Traceability and Big Data in the agrifood value chain (T&BD) is a strategic alliance of regions and other entities that works together with the aim of contribute to the digitisation of the agrifood value chain through the adoption of digital technologies and the value creation from data.
The T&BD Partnership is formed by 22 regions, that contribute with their regional ecosystem, and 12 associated members. Each region has created their nodes, formed by companies, competence centres, public administrations, etc. They are adopting the form of regional DIHs. It is coordinated and lead by the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Junta de Andalucía (Spain) and co-lead by Emilia Romagna Region (Italy).
The methodology used by the Partnership since its creation has been recognised by the European Commission for its distributed and solid leadership, framed in a multilevel governance model involving quadruple helix actors in each regional node.
Four thematic areas containing the fields of action of the major specific working groups of the partnership have been identified. These thematic areas have been defined through a process of joint mapping of needs and challenges, following a bottom-up approach, involving all the participants in the value chain experts, public administrations, universities and research bodies and agrifood industries, both at regional and inter-regional levels.
This Partnership is constituted under the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) framework coordinated by the DG REGIO. Smart specialization is an innovative approach that aims to boost growth and jobs in Europe, by enabling each region to identify and develop its own competitive advantages. Also RIS3 has been an excellent opportunity for European regions to make the agrifood sector a new territorial priority within smart specialization strategies.
Starting in 2015, the European Commission services launched three thematic smart specialisation (S3) platforms: Agri-Food, Energy and Industrial Modernisation.
These platforms have been put in place to provide an interactive and participatory environment supporting interregional cooperation. Traceability and Big Data Thematic Partnership was born within Agri-Food Platform that was focused on RIS3 priority areas related to agriculture and food. Also it is aligned with Industrial Modernisation Platform.
The European Smart Specialisation Platform in Agri-food is working towards the achievement of the Agenda 2030, specifically T&BD contributes to following objectives: