The European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) organized its 7th annual Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies on April 7th. The event joined more than 30 speakers presenting opportunities for development agencies, successful project results, project ideas, partner searches as well as their agencies and organisations.
Four keynote speakers started the morning session:
After this section, 10 speakers representing different organisations took the floor to share their experiences on successful projects. Additionally, 7 speakers showed us their ideas for future European projects, what these are about, and explained which partners they are looking for. Finally, the last section aimed at identifying potential partners for projects where 8 speakers presented their agencies, their areas, initiatives and what they could offer.
Esteban Pelayo, Director at EURADA, wrapped up the event by underlining the importance of the regional ecosystem and the cooperation among them, especially post-pandemic and in light of the war on Ukraine.
In parallel to the Brokerage Event, the matchmaking was organized from April 7th up until April 21st. During those days,188 participants participated in more than 60 bilateral meetings.