Public-private collaboration within clusters is key to strengthen the competitiveness of the agrifood value chain in European regions. In his presentation at the technical meeting, Marco Foschini backs the promotion of the role of clusters in the frame of the thematic partnership to achieve the digitalisation of the sector.
Along his presentation, he explained that Clust-ER, formed by seven clusters of the Emilia-Romagna region, works on two action lines. On the one hand, as a promoter of the S3 in the region with:
On the other hand, it plays a crucial role participating in Strategic Specialisation European Platforms:
As a case of success, Marco Foschini talked about the Cross-Regional Digital Agrifood Service (CREDAS), an initiative aimed at improving and testing supporting services for the digital and green transition of agrifood SMEs of Emilia-Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions in Italy.
To finish, he mentioned three key elements of our Partnership: