September 30, 2024

Internet of Things session within the Agrifood Working Group of the EDIH network

A recent session dedicated to Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been organized as part of the activities of the Agrifood Working Group of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) network.

Moderated by the Andalucia Agrotech DIH (Spain) as co-leader of the Working Group, the session started with the presentation of Pierre-Yves Danet, coordinator of the ScoDIHNet (Smart Connectivity Digital Innovation Hub Network). He was in charge of introducing this technology and its importance for the agri-food sector. The ability to connect devices and systems, collect and analyze data in real time, and automate processes emerged as a key aspect to address the current challenges of the agri-food sector, in which the IoT would play a decisive role.

During the session, several use cases were also presented, demonstrating the benefits of the IoT in different areas of the sector. Among them, the Andalusian ecosystem was represented through ETSIAM (University of Córdoba) which presented terrestrial observation technologies to monitor and manage extensive crops, as well as CETEMET, with its solution for a ‘green’ alperujo processing plant that optimizes its management.

Aditionally, DigiAgriFood EDIH from Greece explained its commitment to helping farmers manage their farms using sensors and data platforms in real time. Other innovations were also discussed, such as the digitalisation of the wine sector by BEIA (Romania), which monitors the wine production process, and the smart pest traps by AEDIH (Hungary), which detect and capture insects by sending data in real time. In addition, EDIH NOI (Italy) has developed a crop management platform that integrates various IoT technologies.

The session concluded with a dynamic round of questions and answers, where attendees explored how to apply these technologies in their own operations. The innovations presented underlined the potential of IoT to improve efficiency, quality and sustainability in the agri-food sector.

Thematic sessions linked to digital enabling technologies with an impact on the agri-food value chain

This has been the first of a series of thematic sessions aimed at promoting the adoption of advanced digital technologies in the sector, as well as promoting collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and experiences between different actors in the agri-food value chain at European level.

This is an initiative carried out as part of the different lines of action of the Working Group dedicated to the agri-food sector within the framework of the EDIH network, moderated by Andalucía Agrotech EDIH, DigiAgriFood EDIH and EDIH Bretagne (more information here).