September 30, 2024

Kick-off meeting for the new service provided by the S3 CoP

One of the items provided by the S3 Community of Practice (S3 CoP) is a range of  Services to be supplied to Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnerships during three years (2023, 24 and 25). Thematic Partnerships can select one Service per year, considering changing this Service in the coming years or continuing.

Services corresponding to the first year finished last June. Regarding Traceability & Big Data (T&BD), the Funding, Finance and Investment Assistance Service was provided. Results can be consulted here.

Thematic Partnerships have chosen the new Service during summer. After an internal reflection, the S3 CoP has been requested to provide the (Re)Scoping Service. Following the S3 CoP description, its activities foresees:

  • The scope of the initial activities has not yet been outlined to a sufficiently granular level to develop concrete collaboration opportunities. For example, information on application areas, the role of partners, and the specificity of the value chain segment or targeted demonstrator are yet to be defined.
  • The partnership has carried out several activities, however a changing landscape has led to the need to update the priorities of the collaboration (e.g., changing S3 priorities, changes in regional participation, new lead region). This can be relevant in cases related to the reanimation of the partnership, the merging of partnerships or catching up with and acting proactively on changes in the thematic R&I landscape.

T&BD will take advantage of the Service provided together with the Working Groups to define and scope concrete topics and activities to work in.

The kick-off meeting took place last 24th September. Daniela Kretz (Idea Consulting / S3 CoP) introduced the service, the timeline and how activities are structured. Mar Catedra (T&BD Technical Coordinator – Andalusia region) caught up on the status of Working Groups and the results obtained from the previous Funding Service. A fruitful debate was raised on concrete objectives to achieve during the service and the next steps to follow.

The (Re)Scoping Service is expected until March 2025.