Co-founded in 2018 by three private agrifood brands and two entrepreneurs from Nantes, La Note Globale counts the Pays de la Loire Region itself as a partner of the project since the beginning of 2020.
La Note Globale is a pioneer in the evaluation of agrifood products for two reasons:
Firstly, it is based on the initiative of the private sector and will implicate consumersas soon as possible. The actors of the agrifood chain understood that they had to maintain a dynamic of progress and objectively communicate on their actions and innovations. They also have understood that they have to work hands with consumers, that’s why La Note Globale will develop coworking sessions between private sector and consumers.
Secondly, it is the first label to take in account six parameter to calculate its results: Animal welfare, environment, health and nutrition, traceability and transparency, origin, faire trade, contribution to the French economy and CSR policy are evaluated to give a score from 1 to 100.
This score then appears on the packaging of the products evaluated. So far, La Note Globale references 60 products and targets the rating of 4000 new references by 2021.
Consumers ask for more and more transparency on the global impacts of agrifood products. Traceability and big data are useful tools to achieve this goal, that is why La Note Globale is consolidating a numeric platform and a specific algorithm to ease the process of evaluation of its products.
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